Are additional investigations required to solve this problem?
Are outstanding results often reported in the literature?
Are theories always built up on experimental work?
Are all scientific theories taken for granted?
Are statistical methods widely used in your field?
Are all observations in your research made directly?
Whose works are best known in your field of research?
How is data evaluation usually made?
At what stage of your research will final conclusion be made?
How often are international conferences held in your field?
Did you publish any papers last year?
Did you obtain good results?
Why do you prefer this field of science to any other?
What new questions were raised at the last meeting with your supervisor?
How much time was devoted to the discussion of each problem?
What problems were considered most pressing?
What results were presented and discussed?
What new ideas were suggested and considered?
What points were particularly emphasized?
What plan was finally adopted?
Did you think of becoming a scientist in your childhood?
Did you write your first research paper at the institute/university?
Whose works laid the foundation for your field?
Whose ideas had a profound influence on the development of your field?
When did you first think of becoming a scientist?
When did you write your first research paper?
Where did you write that paper?
What subject did you take for your thesis?
When did you do your first independent research?
How long will it take you to write your thesis?
Why did you choose this particular subject for your thesis?
What contribution will you make by your research to that particular branch of subject?
What outstanding discoveries were made in a given field in the last century?
What important discoveries were made in the nineties?
What are you going to do in the near future?
What problems are you going to take up next?
What are your plans for the coming year?
What will your thesis contain?
How many sections will your thesis have?
What problems will be considered in your thesis?
What results will be reported?
What questions will be considered in detail?
What questions will only be outlined?
What techniques will be discussed?
Whose works will be mentioned in the text?
What references will be given?
What sort of figures will be given in the text?
How are you going to conclude your thesis?
Where will the figure captions be given?
What conclusions will be drawn from the results presented?
How long will it take you to write the thesis?
What journals will your paper be published in?
When will the journal with your paper come out?
How many reprints of your paper are you going to have?
Has your research been successful?
Have you ever thought of changing your occupation?
Have you worked on your thesis much lately?
Have you written many scientific papers?
Have you made any progress in English?
Have you ever been to English speaking countries?
Have you spoken with native English speakers?
Have you read many English books?
Have you had any practice in English lately?
Have you ever taken a leave of absence to work at a lab abroad?
Have you had any difficulties in your work lately?
Have you resolved all your difficulties?
Have you ever met famous scientists?
Have you ever attended international conferences?
Have you made any discoveries in your science yet?
Has your supervisor been helpful in your research?
Has your supervisor seen your recent results yet?
Does he often discuss your work with you?
What scientific conferences have been held in your field recently?
What results have been obtained from recent studies?
What new studies have been undertaken by you recently?
What research is being carried out by you now?
Is similar work being done anywhere else?
Are any changes being made in the organization of research work recently?
Are computers being widely used in research now?
How long might you work at the present subject?
What preliminary conclusions can be drawn from your work?
What results are to be expected from your work?
How long might it take you to complete the work?
Do you have to work day and night at you thesis?
What part of work is to be done this year?
What improvements should be introduced in the research process?
What is it necessary to make your work more effective?
What should be done to bring your work to conclusion?
What should be done to encourage further research in your field?
What is it necessary to broaden and deepen one’s knowledge of the subject?
What should be done to further develop international contacts among scientists?
Why do scientists exchange reprints of their papers?
Why are scientific conferences held regularly?
Why should scientists exchange views and information?
Why are abstracts of papers published prior to a conference?
What results do you expect when you complete the work?
What will you do when your work is successfully completed?
Where do you expect to apply your knowledge of English when you complete this course?
To what journal will you send your paper when you finish writing it?
What questions will you discuss with your foreign colleagues when you see them?
When will you consider your work completed?
When are you going to write another paper?
When do you expect conclusive results?
Will you write a paper if you get new results?
Will you give up your research if it is not successful?
Will you be satisfied if you complete the work successfully?
To what journal will you send your paper if you write one?
What will you do if your results prove invalid?
What will you do if you encounter great difficulties?
What will you do if someone asks you to give a lecture on your subject?
What is the motive force of progress in science?
What will you do if someone asks you to write a popular scientific article?
What is the "correspondence principle" and how does it work in your field of research?
Can science do without theories and hypotheses?
Give a definition of science.
What does science study and how does it differ from technology?
What are the necessary components of science?
What are the aims and means of science?
What was the role of individual in the progress of science?
How is an individual’s research correlated with group of studies?
What is scientific intuition and how much depends on "good luck"? Give an example of scientific discoveries and tell how they were made.
What was man’s attitude to nature throughout the history? What is now and why?
What are the effects of technical progress on nature and human life?
What are the dangers of uncontrolled technical development?
What measures could be taken to solve certain problems mankind is faced with, for instance, air and water pollution? Illustrate your accounts with concrete examples?
What would you do to acquire a deeper and broader knowledge in your field?
What would you do to get a comprehensive knowledge in adjacent areas?
What would you suggest for improving the state of research in your field?
What would you suggest for upgrading research in your area?
Would you accept a failure?
Would you take the risk of criticizing an authority?
Would you do any popular writing now?
Would you give up your scientific career now?
Do you think you could make a discovery in science?
Could you describe the state of research in your field?
Could you give a review of current literature on your subject?
Would you be able to solve your research problem in the near future?
What recent discoveries could you name in your area of research?
Which of the recent works would you consider outstanding?
Could scientists solve their problems better if the studied them jointly?
Scientific information is accumulating so rapidly. I wonder what scientists are going to do in some years from now?
In ancient times there was just one science, philosophy; now there are scores of them. I wonder what science will look like in one hundred years from now.
There are no sharp boundaries between sciences nowadays. I wonder if it will eventually come to one big science again.
I wonder if there are any limits to human inventiveness and resourcefulness.
What qualities should a researcher possess today and why?
Is collaboration important in research and how is it realized?
What are the ways of exchanging scientific information?