Деловой английский язык

электронный учебно-методический комплекс

Вопросы к зачету

по деловому английскому языку (специальности 080507.65)

Побеседуйте с партнером или с преподавателем

  1. You are calling to the Embassy and discussing business a visa.
  2. You are getting a tourist visa.
  3. You are meeting at the airport with an old friend.
  4. You are talking about airport formalities.
  5. On board the plane.
  6. You are renting a car.
  7. You are discussing your holiday trip.
  8. You are making a reservation at a hotel.
  9. You are making a laundry order.
  10. You are booking a call to Moscow.
  11. You are checking out and paying a bill.
  12. You are ordering meals on board the plane.
  13. You are talking to a waiter at a restaurant.
  14. You are inviting your foreign partner to a restaurant.
  15. You are calling to a company and looking for a person.
  16. You are calling to a company to find the address of a person.
  17. You have got a very bad connection while calling. Talk to a switch board operator.
  18. You have got a wrong number. Make your excuses.
  19. You are telling your friend about your native city.
  20. Tell your business partner about Krasnoyarsk.
  21. Tell you friend about your hobby.
  22. You are discussing with your friend your hobbies.
  23. You are discussing with your partner hobbies for men and women.
  24. You are discussing with your partner terms of payment and delivery for the computers.
  25. You are discussing with your partner the discount, packing and marking of the equipment according to the Contract.

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