Деловой английский язык

электронный учебно-методический комплекс

Test №1
Format: BEC - Business English Certificate
Writing questions 19 - 25 (Part 5 - 7)

Part 5. Writing questions 19 - 23
- Read the memo and letter below.
- Complete the application information.
- Write a word, phrase or number in spaces 19 - 23 on your answer sheet and send your answers to natan@kgau.ru.

From: Susan Smith
To: Alex Brown
One more applicant for the sales manager post. Please, fill out the form and file the CV for me.

14 Harberton Road


20th May, 2006

Dear Ms. Smith,

I would like to apply for the vacancy of a sales manager advertised in The Independent newspaper 3 days ago.

I have been working for Fast-auto for 5 years and have got a wide experience in a variety of industries. Now I would like to have a job with wider prospects and greater responsibility. I have a MSc in marketing. I came from Germany, but my English is fluent as I have spent 3 years in England.
Yours sincerely,
Anna Brown

Applicant Information

19.  Вопрос Position applied for

20.  Вопрос Name of applicant

21.  Вопрос Nationality

22.  Вопрос Current employer

23.  Вопрос Present qualification

Part 6. Writing question 24
- Read this advertisement and write a letter of complaint, using the information about the hotel and its services.

- Write about 60 words and send your letter to natan@kgau.ru.

Part 7. Writing question 25
- Read the letter below from Ms. Smith.

13, October 2006

Dear Mr. Brown,
Our University has just opened a new department - Management and Marketing department. We are interested in highly-qualified specialists in these branches. We have heard much about your company and you, personally. We would be pleased if you could deliver some lectures for our students. If you agree, please, inform us about your decision. Please, tell us when you are ready to give lectures, on what problems of marketing or management you will give them, what equipment you need for the lectures. You should send your confirmation letter to Deputy Dean, Ms. Smith.

Sincerely yours,
Anna Smith

- Write a reply to Ms. Smith:

- thanking her for the invitation

- agreeing to give the talk

- saying what you will talk about

- asking where the meeting will take place.
- Write about 60 words and send your letter to natan@kgau.ru.

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