Деловой английский язык

электронный учебно-методический комплекс

Test №2
Format: BEC - Business English Certificate
Writing questions 19 - 25 (Part 5 - 7)

Part 5. Writing questions 19 - 23
- Read the memo and letter below.
- Complete the application information.
- Write a word, phrase or number in spaces 19 - 23 on your answer sheet and send your answers to natan@kgau.ru.

From: James Brown
To: Alice Cartright
We've got a new management trainee in our Personnel department. Please work out his business schedule for the period of two weeks. Please, be ready for tomorrow.

15 Huston Street


15th December, 2006

Dear Mr. Brown,

I would like to have my on - the - job training in your company. I have heard much about your company from one of your personnel managers, Clara Bright. At the moment, I am a fifth year student of the Krasnoyarsk State Agrarian University, Russia, my major is Personnel. I would be pleased, if you could allow me to have my training in your company. I would be able to work with records or help in the interviews while interviewing the prospective staff.

I am good at computers and English, as I had an agricultural on - the - job training in England twice. My employer's name was Cardelia Wellington, her telephone number was 753-34-75. I can sent 2 reference letters from her to you.
Yours sincerely,
Kate Macdonald

Applicant Information

19.  Вопрос Position for the applicant

20.  Вопрос Department for raining

21.  Вопрос Nationality

22.  Вопрос Special skills

23.  Вопрос Reference letters

Part 6. Writing question 24
- Read this advertisement and write a letter of complaint, using the information, given in it.

"Winter Activity Holiday in the glorious Mountain District."
We offer a good holiday for those who don't like to waste time. We offer great equipment for skiing and skating. You may go in for Mountain skiing or rink skating with good professionals.

- Write about 60 words and send your letter to natan@kgau.ru.

Part 7. Writing question 25
- Read the letter below from Ms. Smith.

13, October 2006

Dear Mr. and Mrs. Miller,
My family and I would like to invite you to spent weekend in our summerhouse in Brighton. It is conveniently located on the ocean. There is a wonderful beach not far from the house and you'll be able to swim and go for a walk along the store.
We will meet you at the airport and take care of all your transportation. It will not take long to get from the airport to our house. You may bring your children along as we have heard much about them. Please, send us information about the date and time of your arrival.
We are looking forward to seeing you and your children and hope you can come.

Margaret Nelson

- Write a reply to Mrs. Nelson:

- thanking her for the invitation;

- agreeing to come;

- saying that unfortunately your children are busy;

- giving information about date and time of your arrival.
- Write about 60 words and send your letter to natan@kgau.ru.

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