Magazine «the Bulletin of KrasGAU» E-mail Russian version
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The periodic reviewed edition – «Social and economic and humanitarian magazine»

Publication order

  1. For the edition in «Social and economic and humanitarian magazine» not published earlier articles are accepted.
  2. The work has to be carefully verified by the author and issued according to the requirements presented on the site. The approved percent of uniqueness of the text of the articles in «Social and economic and humanitarian magazine» according to Anti-plagiarism system is 85%. The manuscripts are subject to editorial processing and if necessary some remarks of the editor will be agreed with the author.
  3. On e-mail address of the editorial ( are sent:
    • thearticle corrected by the author with the abstract  of 200-250 words placed before the text of the article;
    • thedata on the authors;
    • in case when the only author of the article is the graduate student of full-time tuition: the scanned copy of the reference confirming the training.
  4. The article is registered by the responsible secretary in the magazine of registration of the articles with the indication of the date of receipt, the name, First name, middle initial, last name the author (coauthors); the serial registration number is assigned.
  5. By e-mail (in response to the sent article) within two days the following information is sent to the authors:
    • registration number of the article;
    • thenumber of the issue in which the manuscript is accepted.
      These data need to be specified at each address to the editorial (by e-mail – in the  letter subject).
  6. The responsible secretary directs article on reviewing. The reviewer considers the paper within two weeks from the date of receiving and sends to the editorial the review, in which:
    • recommends the article for publication in the magazine;
    • recommends for publication after correction and completion;
    • does not recommend for publication.

In two last cases the copy of the review returns to the author.

If completion is necessary, the author has to make changes in week time and send the work to the editorial. At positive conclusion of the member of editorial council the article is included in the plan of the edition of «Social and economic and humanitarian magazine». The Article which is not recommended by the reviewer for the publication to reconsideration is not accepted.

The editorialsends the copy of the reviews to the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation at the receipt in edition of the edition of the corresponding inquiry.

The electronic version is published on the website of scientific electronic library ( and on the site of the magazine (

The information on current issue is placed in the section of News.


The requirements to the form of the article


The article has to be presented to publishing department in electronic form (in two formats doc./docx. and pdf.). Having sent the article, surely get its registration number.

The data on the authors (the form for filling)issued by the separate file are to be attached to the article.

Text material has to be prepared in a text editor of Microsoft Word:

  • thefont – Times New Roman, the  size (size) – 14 pt;
  • the line spacing for the text – 1.5, for tables – 1.0;
  • margins– 2 cm from all directions;
  • the paragraph space in all text –1.25 cm;
  • thepages of the article are not numbered.

The drawings and schemes are presented in the vector form, inserted in the text, or created directly in Microsoft Word. The schedules and charts also have to be executed in this text editor. The photos - in a raster format with the resolution not lower than 300 dpi (a preferable format is JPEG). We pay your attention that the drawings and schedules are to be printed in black-and-white execution.

The article volume: 16–18 pages, including tables, illustrative material and the list of references.

The order of the article formation:

  1. UDC (the code of library of Universal Decimal Classification).
  2. First name, middle initial, last name author (coauthors) completely.
  3. Heading (capital letters).
  4. Paper and keywords.
  5. Points 2–4 repeatedly (in English).
  6. The text of the article.
  7. Literature.



Necessary volume is 10002000 signs (200250 words). At the beginning the name of the article is not repeated. The paper is not divided into paragraphs. The structure of the paper briefly reflects the structure of the article: in the beginning the purpose and research problems, then the objects and methods of research, the results of the research, short conclusions are specified. It is not necessary to specify the relevance of the research. The place of the research is specified to the area (region). The statement of the results has to contain CONCRETE data (quantitative and qualitative data). Introduction of reductions within the paper is allowed (the concept from 2–3 words is replaced with an abbreviation from the corresponding quantity of letters, by the 1st time it is given completely, reduction – in brackets, is used further only reduction). Avoid using of parenthesises and turns! It is not necessary to emphasize personal contribution of the author! Numerals if are not the first word, are transferred by figures. It is not allowed to use abbreviations (for example, the names of establishments) without interpretation. Whenever possible avoid exact repetition of the text of the articles (except the purpose and tasks).


The translation of the abstract into English.Using machine translation is inadmissible!!! Instead of decimal comma the point is used. All Russian abbreviations are transferred in the deciphered kind if they have no steady analogs in English language (it is allowed: The WTO – WTO, FAO – FAO, etc.). Impersonal designs are translated using passive.

In the article its introduction, purposes, tasks, methods and results of the research, conclusions have to be allocated.

The article surely has to have the list of references and intra text footnotes which are made out by figures in square brackets (for example, [1]) and are provided at the end of the article in the section "Literature" as their mention in the text. The bibliographic description in article bibliographies is made in accordance with State Standard P 7.0.5–2008. It is desirableto give the reference to the works on similar subject already published in the magazine.

In the manuscript scientific terminology, designations, units of measure, symbols have to be conformed to the requirements of state standards.

Simple intra lower case and one-line mathematical formulas can be gathered without using special editors –symbols, difficult and multilayer case formulas have to be gathered in the Microsoft Equation 3.0 editors or MathType 6 above (scannedformulas are not accepted).

The tables have to be placed in the text after the paragraphs containing references to them.

The articles issued not according to the present requirements will not be accepted for the publication. The manuscripts are not returned to the authors.

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The address of editory office:
660017, Russia, Krasnoyarsk Krai, Krasnoyarsk, Lenin St., 117
Phone: (8391) 265-01-93