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The periodic reviewed edition – «Social and economic and humanitarian magazine»

Lukinykh Valery Fedorovich – doctor of economics, associate professor, the head of the department of logistics and marketing in agrarian and industrial complex of the Institute of economy and management of agrarian and industrial complex of Krasnoyarsk state agrarian university, the member of expert council of the higher attestation commission on economic sciences at the Ministry of science and the higher education of the Russian Federation, the corresponding member of the Russian engineering academy, the Chairman of the National certified commission on logistics of "NCC-VOSTOK".

The sphere of scientific interests is the theory and methodology of the multilevel integrated logistics systems in regional economy. The author and coauthor of more than 150 scientific works, including 5 monographs.

Good afternoon, dear authors of the publications
andthe readers of “Social and Economic and Humanitarian Magazine"!

Our magazine was founded in 2015, registered in the Ministry of the Russian Federation for the press, TV and radio broadcasting and mass media (PI No. FC 77-64249 of 23.12.2015). It is identified by the international publishing number ISSN 2500-1825; it is registered in the system of the Russian index of scientific citing.

The magazine on the structure and the subject of publications is focused on the submission of actual scientific publications, i.e. the results of the researches of economic, enterprises, administrative, historical, legal aspects of our Russian reality. The essence of the magazine is revealed in its name as the representation of the backbone factors of social and economic development of the regions and countries. The magazine is urged to promote the improvement of personnel and technological potentials of business economics and the organizations of the regions of Siberia, the development of interregional and international communications in economic, social and institutional spheres.

The magazine is addressed to the experts, scientists –experienced and beginners, but, the main thing, interested in innovative processes.

Editorial office of the magazine is sure of the formation of the partnership with the authors of the articles, of their numerous publicationson the pages of the magazine as it is important for us to show the evolution of the published results of the researches, and to the readers of the magazine it will be interesting to watch the research process. The approach to public recognition of scientific results and the determination of their importance are ensured.

Your publications are open for reading on the site of the magazine (, and also in scientific electronic library ( and in scientific electronic library "Kiberleninka" (

And, in conclusion, I wish you success!

Editor-in-chief of the magazine "Social and economic
and humanitarian magazine of Krasnoyarsk SAU"
V. F. Lukinykh

Site administrator

© 2020-2023 FSBEI HE Krasnoyarsk state agrarian university


The address of editory office:
660017, Russia, Krasnoyarsk Krai, Krasnoyarsk, Lenin St., 117
Phone: (8391) 265-01-93