Деловой английский язык

электронный учебно-методический комплекс

Unit 5. Visiting a city

Exercise 1. Прочтите в грамматическом справочнике информацию о страдательном залоге §11, выучите нижеприведенные слова и выражения и используйте их в собственных предложениях.

1. to be founded by - быть основанным кем-то

2. to be located - располагаться

3. to be made of - быть построенным из ...

4. to be built in - быть построенным в ...

5. to be produced by - быть произведенным кем-то

6. to be connected with - быть связанным с ...

7. to be visited by - быть посещаемым кем-то

8. to be awarded with - быть награжденным

9. to be established as - быть учрежденным как

10. to be reorganized into - быть преобразованным

11. to be evacuated to - быть эвакуированным

12. to be used as - использоваться в качестве

13. to be born - родиться

Exercise 2. Повторите по грамматическому справочнику информацию об образовании страдательного залога §11 и переведите предложения на русский язык.

1.Krasnoyarsk was founded by a group of Cossacks under the leadership of Andrei Dubenski in 1628.

2. The city is located on the banks of the Yenisey river.

3. The symbol of that time is a small chapel, which was first made of wood, but then it was rebuilt by merchant I.Y. Novikov and now it is made of stone.

4. 3 Cathedrals -Trinity, Annunciation and Holy Vergin Intercession Feast Cathedral are often visited by citizens of Krasnoyarsk.

5. The building of the Riverside Station was awarded with the gold medal of the International Exhibition in Brussels in 1958.

6. 35 plants were evacuated to Krasnoyarsk in the period of the Great Patriotic War.

7. Krasnoyarsk Drama Theatre was established as a theatrical group TRAM.

8. Yeniseseyskaya Province was reorganized into Krasnoyarsky Krai in 1934.

9. Many famous people were born and lived in Krasnoyarsk.

Exercise 3. Прочтите в грамматическом справочнике информацию о модальных глаголах §12 и ответьте на вопросы о своем городе, используя модальные глаголы.

1. Can you tell me about the history of Krasnoyarsk?

2. How can I get to the centre of the city from the right bank?

3. What pleases of interest will you have to show to your foreign partner?

4. What theatres can you visit with your foreign partner?

5. May you show the premises of the Krasnoyarsk hydropower electric station to foreign partners?

6. May you use a bus to visit the Stolby national park?

7. What means of transport will you use to get to Norilsk?

8. How can you explain the fact that there are a lot of places in Krasnoyarsk, connected with the name of Lenin?

9. Can you give the names of the famous people of Krasnoyarsk?

Exercise 4. Повторите в грамматическом справочнике информацию об образовании прошедшего времени §9, прочтите текст об истории Красноярска и расскажите об этом, используя вопросы к тексту:

1. When was Krasnoyarsk founded?

2. Who founded the city?

3. What was it at first?

4. What is the symbol of that period today?

5. When did Krasnoyarsk pass trough the great fire?

6. What are the main Cathedrals of the city?

7. What was the city before the revolution?

8. What places in the city are connected with the name of Lenin?

9. When did the city become the center of Krasnoyarsk region?



Krasnoyarsk is the administrative industrial cultural and scientific center of the vast Krasnoyarsk territory. Its history goes back to 1628 when it was founded by a group of Cossacks under the leadership of Andrei Dubenski. First it was a small fortress, then the center of Yeniseiskaya province. The symbol of that period in the history of our region is an old chapel which first was made of wood, but in 1805 it was rebuilt by merchant I. Y. Novikov. It was rebuilt to honor the victory over steppe nomads and now it is made of stone.

All the buildings in old Krasnoyarsk were made of wood, but after the great fire in 1773 city dwellers began to build their houses of stone. The monuments of that time are 3 cathedrals - Trinity, Annunciation and Holy Vergin Intercession Feast Cathedral. The last one was built in 1785 in borroko style on the intersection of Mira and Surikov Streets and is still there. Before the revolution Krasnoyarsk was a place of exile and many revolutionaries lived there. We should not forget our history in order not to make such mistakes. That's why you should see some places in the city connected which the life of V. I. Lenin. The first one is the house of Gadalova which is situated in Markovsky Street. Here V. I. Lenin and his friends spent much time, discussing their political problems at the end of the 19th century. The second one is situated in Lenin Street. It is the house of Krasikov. One more place of interest connected with the name of V. I. Lenin is the steamship "Saint Nikolai" on board of which he sailed to Shushenskoye in 1892. There is also a monument of V. I. Lenin created by sculptor V. Pinchuk not far from the building where our administration works.

After the revolution Krasnoyarsk became the center of Krasnoyarsk region. This event took place in 1934. There are many places of interest connected with the history of new Krasnoyarsk. Our city is located on the banks of the Yenisei river which is one of the greatest rivers of Russia. So Krasnoyarsk is a big port. The building of the Riverside Station was built according to the project of young architector Golubev and received the gold medal at the international exhibition in Brussel in 1958. Not far from Krasnoyarsk there is a Krasnoyarsk hydropower electric station which is one of the most powerful in the world. It is the center of the electroenergetical system of Siberia. Divnogorsk a wonderful town in taiga, was built for those who works here.

During the Great Patriotic War 35 plants were evacuated to Krasnoyarsk from the central regions of Russia, among them Sibstal, Sibtyazhmach, etc, so Krasnoyarsk became an industrial center of Siberia. In 1945 the first harvesters were produced by "Kommunar" plant. Today our plants produce heavy and agricultural machines, aluminum, synthetic materials, refrigerators, ice-boxes, TV-sets and so on.

There are many educational institutions in the city such as Universities, Academies, etc. The first medical college appeared in Krasnoyarsk in 1889 and it trained doctor's assistants for our region. In Krasnoyarsk there is the department of the Russian Academy of Sciences, it is located in Akademgorodok.

Krasnoyarsk is a cultural center of Siberia. There are many theatres there, such as the Opera and Ballet Theatre, the Drama Theatre, the Musical Comedy Theatre, etc. The history of Krasnoyarsk Drama Theatre goes back to 1928 - 1929 when it was established as a theatrical group TRAM. When Yenisey province was reorganized into Krasnoyarsk region this group was reorganized into the Drama Theatre. In its repertoire there were many historical and revolutionary plays which were very popular at that time. At the beginning of 1970th the Theatre of Young Spectators was opened in the city. Some famous actors, such as N. Olyalin and L. Malevannaya worked there.

The Theatre of Opera and Ballet is also one of the fabulous performing art centers of the city. It is built of Sayany marble and is beautifully decorated. Our dancers Natalya Chechovskaya and Vasily Polushin are famous all over the world.

Our Organ Hall is built in the gothic style and is used as an Organ Hall and Catholic Cathedral. Priests from Ireland have been working here for some years.

Krasnoyarsk is famous also for its wonderful painters. V. I. Surikov, one of the best Russian painters, was born and worked here. His native house is located in Lenin Street not far from the center. Surikov's paintings, such as "Capture of snow-town", "Boyarinya Morozova", etc are masterpieces of our painting. In the picture gallery named after V. I. Surikov which is on the intersection of Marx and Parizhskoy Kommuny Street there are many great pictures of classic and modern styles. In this house Fritof Nancen, a famous north explorer spent some time. Now this house belongs to the city. It is a picture gallery.

In Krasnoyarsk there are many wonderful hotels and shops, among them Trade Center "Krasnoyarye", "Krasnoyarsk Hotel", "Yachont Hotel" ect.

In Krasnoyarsk there are many convenient tram, bus and trolley-bus routes, and the first metro-line is in project.

There are some nice places around the city. The Stolby National park is one of them. It is the territory of our animals, trees and rocks.

I like my city and consider it to be one of the best cities of Russia.


Прочтите диалоги и расскажите, что вы узнали о городе из бесед.

Dialogue 1.
A: Excuse me, could you tell me the way to the Opera and Ballet Theatre?
B: Certainly, sir, go 2 blocks straight ahead and you will see a large building made of marble and beautifully decorated.
A: Shall I take a bus? Is there any bus-route there?
B: No, sir. It won't be necessary. The Opera and Ballet Theatre is not far from here. It will take you just about 7 minutes to get there on foot. are you a stranger here?
A: Yes, certainly. I have just arrived to the city. It is my business trip here. I've heard so many nice things about this wonderful theatre and its dancers. I am looking forward to attending one of the performances.
B: It is really worth doing! I wish you good luck. Bye-bye!

Dialogue 2.
A: I've heard your city is a big industrial center. Am I right?
B: Yes, you are quite right. Today Krasnoyarsk is a big industrial center. During the Great Patriotic War 35 plants were evacuated here from the central regions of Russia.
A: What are their names? Are they still located in Krasnoyarsk?
B: They are -Sibstal, Sibtyazhmash etc., and they are still located in our city.
A: Do your plants produce any agricultural machines?
B: Yes, certainly. We have Krasnoyarsk Combine harvester plant. It's history goes back to 1945 when the first harvester was produced by "Kommunar" plant. Our plant is competitive on the Russia market of agricultural machines.
A: What about other kinds of production?
B: Krasnoyarsk plants produce heavy machines, aluminum, refrigerators, synthetic materials and so on. We have a lot of foreign partners and we successfully cooperate with them.
A: Glad to hear it.

Dialogue 3.
A: Excuse me, could you tell me the way to Krasnoyarsk State Agrarian University?
B: Certainly, sir. Do you see a large five-storey building over there?
A: Yes, I do.
B: Go straight ahead to that building and then turn to the right. Krasnoyarsk State Agrarian University is the third building on the right-hand side.
A: Thank you very much. But it is rather far from here. Does any bus or trolley-bus go there? I am short of time.
B: Yes, certainly. You may use any bus or trolley-bus. Get on here and get off at the next stop. It will take you just 3 minutes as it is rather late now. At rush hours all the streets are overcrowded and it takes much more to get there by bus.
A: Thank you. You have been most helpful.

Exercise 5. Прочтите диалоги еще раз и представьтесь своему партнеру от имени одного из участников бесед.

Exercise 6. Заполните пропущенные места в диалогах возможными ответами.

Dialogue 1.
A: Excuse me, could you tell me the way to ...
B: Certainly, sir, go ...
A: Shall I take a ... to get there?
B: ... ... . ... . It is (not) far from here. It will take you ... .
A: Thank you very much.

Dialogue 2.
A: I've heard your city is ... . Am I right?
B: Yes, you are quite right. Today it is ...
A: Are there many ... in your city? What are their names?
B: These are ... . They are famous all over Russia. You may visit ... on the right bank and ... on the left bank.
A: It is so interesting! Thank you very much.

Dialogue 3.
A: Excuse me, could you tell me the way to ...
B: Certainly, ... . Do you see ... over there?
A: Yes, I do.
B: Go ... and then ... .
A: Thank you very much. Does any ... go there? I am ...
B: Yes, certainly. You may ... It will take you ...
A: Thank you. You have been ...

Exercise 7. Побеседуйте со своим деловым партнером о своем городе, используя материал Unit 5.

Exercise 8. Напишите письмо своему деловому партнеру из зарубежной компании и объясните как добраться до вашего офиса из аэропорта.

Exercise 9. Представьте, что вы работаете в туристическом агентстве менеджером по рекламе. Дайте рекламное объявление в журнал, чтобы привлечь туристов в ваш город. Не забудьте указать адрес, телефон и факс вашего агентства (Не более 50 слов).

Exercise 10. Задание для самостоятельной работы. Выберите из предложенных вариантов правильный и запишите его следующим образом: 1А или 3С.

Тest №5

1. Saint Petersburg ... ... by Peter the Great in 1703

A. is founded

B. was found

C. was founded
2. There are a lot of places in the city often visited ... city dwellers and visitors.

A. with

B. by

C. -
3. The first Cathedral ... in the city in 1876.

A. was open

B. was opened

C. will be opened
4. One more plant producing agricultural machines ... ... ... next year.

A. were born

B. will be born

C. was born
5. V.I. Surikov ... ... , lived and created his masterpieces in Krasnoyarsk.

A. were born

B. will be born

C. was born

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