Creating new items

Now create some new items:

1.Select the enterprise item in the target view:  Coffee.

2.Click Create Child Item.

3.In the dialog that opens, type the following:

Name: Floor 1

Description: Floor support personnel: Receptionist, Facilities Manager

4.Click OK.

5.Repeat steps 1 to 4, naming the next item Floor 2.

6.Select Floor 1, click Create Child Item, and name the new item Reception.

7.Select a managed system from Available Managed Systems and click  to move them to Assigned, then click OK.

This system is the managed system whose situations you want to associate with the Navigator item. This assignment has no effect on what data the workspace for this Navigator item can show, only the event indicators for situations. If a Navigator item does not have assigned managed systems, no events are displayed for it unless they are part of a rollup display of events. The Situation editor is not available from the pop-up menu.