Use the following steps to begin monitoring a URL:
1.Start the Tivoli Enterprise(TM) Portal client.
2.Click the Apply pending updates icon in the upper left-hand corner of the Navigator.
3.Expand Windows(R) Systems to locate Universal Agent.
4.Expand Universal Agent. The following managed systems are displayed:
5.Click any of the managed systems under Universal Agent so that the managed system is highlighted.
6.Right-click the highlighted managed system.
7.Click Take Action... -> Select.... The Take Action window is displayed.
8.From the Take Action window, select URL Add from the Name: list. The Edit Argument Values window is displayed.
9.From the Edit Argument Values window, type in a URL with an http:// prefix.
10.Optionally, type in the other fields in the Edit Argument Values window.
11.Click OK.
12.From the Take Action window, select <localhostname>:INTERNET00 from Destination Systems.
13.Click OK. The Action Status window is displayed.
14.Click OK.
15.Expand <localhostname>:ASFSdp:UAGENT00 or <localhostname>:HTTPdp:UAGENT00 in the Navigator.
16.Click ACTION and verify that the data row contains the URL Add action from step 8.
17.Expand <localhostname>:INTERNET00 in the Navigator.
18.Click MANAGED_URL to see the status of the URL that you are monitoring.