Деловой английский язык

электронный учебно-методический комплекс

Unit 3. Eating Out

Exercise 1. Прочтите в грамматическом справочнике информацию о способах выражения просьбы и предложения §6 и сделайте это, используя слова и выражения:

1. to eat out - питаться вне дома

2. to go out - пойти куда-нибудь

3. to order - заказать

4. to offer - предложить

5. to have something light - взять что-то легкое

6. hearty meal - здоровая, обильная еда

7. the main course - второе (главное) блюдо

8. the dessert - десерт

9. to give one's order - сделать заказ

10. to pay a bill - оплатить счет

11. to tip - давать чаевые

12. to have a quick lunch - быстро пообедать

13. to sit by the window - сидеть у окна

Exercise 2. Повторите в грамматическом справочнике §4,5,6 и переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. I would like something to eat.

2. I would like to have something light today.

3. We would like to sit by the window.

4. We would like a table for two.

5. Please, bring the menu.

6. What would you recommend?

7. Please, take my order.

8. Please, bring me a bottle of mineral water.

9. What special dishes do you have?

10. What national dishes do you have?

11. How would you like to pay?

12. I would like to pay cash or by credit card.

13. I would like ice-cream for desert.

Exercise 3. Прочтите в грамматическом справочнике об образовании простого настоящего времени §7 и расскажите о своем обычном посещении кафе или ресторана, используя вопросы.

1. When do you usually eat out?

2. Where do you go to it out?

3. What is your favorite café or restaurant located?

4. Where is your favorite place in a café?

5. What dishes do you usually order?

6. What do you usually have for desert?

7. What do usually drink in a café or restaurant?

8. Do you prefer meat or fish for the main course?

9. How do you usually pay-cash or by credit card?

Exercise 4. Прочтите в грамматическом справочнике об образовании простого прошедшего времени §8 и расскажите о визите в ресторан в прошедшем времени, изменив форму глагола.


My friend Ann and I go to the restaurant on Sundays. As a rule we are hungry and order a hearty meal.

Usually I order mushroom or chicken soup, and my friend orders ox-tail soup or vegetable soup. Very often we ask for freshly baked Italian bread or Russian rye-bread. For the main course as a rule I have meat dishes, such as roast-beef, steamed rissoles or pork chop. As for my friend, she prefers fish dishes, that is why she orders stuffed pike, sturgeon in jelly or fish assorty.

For a drink we have lemonade or mineral water. If we go to the restaurant in the evening, we choose dry white wine or champagne.

Then comes dessert. We have fruit or ice-cream, coffee or tea. After paying the bill we go for a walk because it is very useful after a hearty meal.


Прочтите диалоги и расскажите, что вы узнали о заказах в ресторане участников бесед.

Dialogue 1.
А: Hello, Miss Stewart! How are you?
В: Very well, thank you.
А: A table for 2?
В: Yes, thank you. We would like to sit by the window.
А: Certainly. Follow me. This way, please.
В: Would you like to see the menu?
A: No, thank you. We are ready to order just now. I would like something light today - a tomato omelet, a cup of coffee and a fruit cake. For my friend it will be a cheese omelet, coffee and a peace of a cake.
B: How would you like your coffee - black or white?
A: Black, please. And no sugar.
B: Just a moment, Miss Stewart.

Dialogue 2.
A: Waiter! Is this table vacant?
B: I am sorry, sir. It's not free. Follow me. I'll show you a table for two in the corner.
A: Thank you very much. We are short of time and we are hungry. So, what would you recommend for a quick dinner? What soup are you serving today?
B: I would recommend you chicken soup with meat some and a veal chop.
A: I think, it won't take long. We have only 30 minutes to spare.
B: Certainly, Sir. Would you like something to drink?
A: Yes, herbal tea, please, with 2 lumps of sugar.
B: Just a moment sir ... Here you are ...

Dialogue 3.
A: Good afternoon, sir. A table for 2?
B: Yes, please.
A: Take the seats at the table on your right. Here is the menu. Make your choice.
B: Oh, there is a good choice of fish and meat dishes. What would you like, Carol?
A: Roast chicken with vegetables - cauliflower and green peas.
B: And what about you, sir?
A: Beefsteak with mushrooms, please.
B: What would you like for dessert?
A: We haven't decided yet. We are going to order dessert a bit later. Do you have any ice-cream?
B: Yes, we have chocolate and vanilla.
A: Thank you, we will think about it.

Exercise 5. Прочтите диалоги еще раз и побеседуйте с партнером от имени официанта.

Exercise 6. Заполните пропущенные места в диалогах возможными ответами.

Dialogue 1.
А: Hello, ... How are you?
В: Would you like a table for ... ?
А: Yes, thank you. We would like to sit ...
В: Follow me. This way please. would you like to see ... ?
А: No, thank you. We are ready to ... I would like to ... and my friend would like to ...
В: Just a moment, ...

Dialogue 2.
A: Waiter! Is this table ... ?
B: I am sorry sir, it is not ...
A: We are short of time and we would like to have ... . What would you recommend for a quick ... ? What soup ... ?
B: I would recommend you ...
A: I hope it won't take ...
B: Certainly Sir! Would you like something to drink?
A: Yes, please. I'd like ...
B: Just a moment, sir.

Dialogue 3.
A: Good afternoon ... . A table for ... ?
B: Yes, certainly.
A: Take the seats ... . Here is ... Make ... .
B: Oh, there is a good choice of ... . What would you like, ... ?
A: I'd like ...
B: What would you like for desert?
A: We haven't decided yet. Do you have ... ?
B: Certainly, sir.
A: We will order a dessert a bit later.

Exercise 7. Представьте, что вы с коллегой пришли в ресторан. Побеседуйте с официантом и сделайте заказ.

Exercise 8. Напишите сочинение о традициях питания в России, используя материалы Unit 3.

Exercise 9. Напишите письмо-жалобу на обслуживание в ресторане, используя данное меню. Используйте слова и выражения данные в Unit 2, Exercise 9.

Exercise 10. Задание для самостоятельной работы. Выберите из предложенных вариантов правильный и запишите его следующим образом: 1А или 3С.

Тest №3

1. I would like to sit ... the window.

A. in

B. by

C. through
2. What Japanese dishes ... you have?

A. does

B. do

C. -
3. Yesterday my friend and I ... to a nice restaurant not far from my office.

A. go

B. gone

C. went
4. There ... a good choice of special meat dishes last week.

A. is

B. was

C. were
5. I usually ...fish with vegetables - sturgeon, salmon or pike for dinner when I was in the USA

A. ate

B. eat

C. eaten

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