Деловой английский язык

электронный учебно-методический комплекс

Unit 10. Making an appointment on the phone

Exercise 1.Повторите по грамматическому справочнику информацию о модальных глаголах §12, выучите слова и выражения и используйте их в своих собственных предложениях.

1. to make an appointment - назначить встречу

2. to check an appointment book - справиться по ежедневнику

3. to be convenient for somebody - быть удобным для кого-то

4. to suit - подходить

5. to arrange - договариваться

6. to send confirmation of the appointment - отправить подтверждение о встрече

7. to fix another appointment - назначить другую встречу

8. to suggest another day - предложить другую дату

9. to get in touch with somebody - связаться с кем-то

10. to look forward to ... ing- с нетерпением ждать чего-то

11. to have an urgent business - иметь срочное дело

12. to settle the matter on the phone - решить вопрос по телефону

13. How about ... ? - Как насчет?

Exercise 2. Повторите по грамматическому справочнику информацию о модальных глаголах §12 и способах выражения желания §4 и переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. I would like to make an appointment with Mr. Smith.

2. If it is urgent, I can fix another date.

3. Can wee meet early next week?

4. Does 8 p.m. suit you?

5. I am calling to confirm your appointment with Mr. Blake for next Friday.

6. He asked me to get in touch with you and fix another date.

7. Unfortunatelyб I am busy tomorrow. Could we settle the matter on the phone?

8. You should send confirmation of the appointment.

9. Can I make an appointment with Mr. Shell? - Just a moment, I will check his appointment book.

Exercise 3. Повторите по грамматическому справочнику информацию о простых временах §7,8,10 и расскажите о своих беседах по телефону, используя вопросы:

1. Do you often call on business?

2. What matters do you discuss if you call on business?

3. Is it possible to make an appointment through the secretary?

4. Do you always send the confirmation if you make an appointment on the phone?

5. What do you do if you are unable to keep a appointment?

6. Is it possible to make an appointment with a doctor on the phone?

7. When did you make a business appointment last?

8. What will you do if you can't be present at the appointment meeting?

9. What will you do if you have an urgent business to discuss and don't remember the necessary telephone number?

Exercise 4. Прочтите тест и расскажите о том, как вы назначали встречу по телефону в простом прошедшем времени (§8). Используйте материалы текста как план.


• Don't forget to check the telephone number you are calling to.

• Introduce yourself to a secretary.

• Tell the secretary about the aim of your call.

• Ask the secretary to make an appointment for you.

• Give the secretary the desired date and time of the appointment.

• Ask the secretary to call you if the date and time change.

• Don't forget to thank the secretary.


Прочтите диалоги и расскажите, что вы узнали из бесед, говоривших по телефону:

Dialogue 1.
A: 5557375
B: John Blake here. Could I speak to Mr. Brown, please?
A: He is busy at the moment. Can I ask you about the purpose of your call?
B: Yes, certainly. I'd like to make an appointment with him. We are to discuss our future contract.
A: Just a moment, Mr. Blake I'll get his schedule. Are you there?
B: Yes, I am.
A: When would you like to come, Mr. Brown?
B: The day after tomorrow, if it is possible.
A: Unfortunately, he is busy from 9 to 12 in the morning. How about the afternoon time?
B: That suits me.
A: All right, I'll tell him you have called and made an appointment.
B: Thank you very much. I am looking forward to your meeting with Mr. Brown.
A: Good-bye!

Dialogue 2.
A: 07535625
B: Jane Ross here. Could I speak to John Smith, please.
A: Speaking.
B: Oh, it's you, John. I didn't recognize you.
A: Oh, hello, Jane. Glad to hear you. What's the problem?
B: You know John, unfortunately, I won't be able to keep the appointment we made 2 days ago.
A: That was to be on Monday, wasn't it?
B: Yes, that's right. You know, we didn't finish discussing the terms of delivery with our British partner, so, I won't be able to coordinate your part of the contract with you.
A: When do you hope to finish discussing the matter?
B: I think it will be on Tuesday. So, if Wednesday suits you, we can meet on Wednesday, say at 4 p.m.
A: Just a moment, I'll check my appointment book. Oh, that's convenient for me.
B: Glad to hear that. I am looking forward to meeting you on Wednesday, at 4 p.m. Bye!
A: Bye!

Dialogue 3.
A: Good morning. Could I speak to Dr. Waltman's secretary?
B: Speaking.
A: My name is Bertha Brown. I'd like to make an appointment with the doctor.
B: What are your complaints, Mrs. Brown?
A: I am not feeling all right. I have a sore throat and splitting headache.
B: Are you running a temperature?
A: Not too high.
B: Can you come to the doctor?
A: Yes, certainly. I would like to come in the afternoon to day.
B: Does 5 p.m. suit you?
A: Yes, that's right. Thank you very much. Good-bye!
B: Good-bye!

Exercise 5. Прочтите диалоги еще раз и побеседуйте со своим партнером от имени одного из участников диалогов.

Exercise 6. Заполните пропущенные места в диалогах возможными ответами.

Dialogue 1.
A: ...
B: ... ... here. Could I speak to ...
A: He is ... . Can I ask you about ... .
B: Yes, certainly. I would like to ...
A: Just a moment, Mr. ... I'll get his ... .
B: When would you like to ... ?
A: I would like to come ... if it is possible.
B: Unfortunately, he is busy ... . How about ... .
A: That suits me.
B: All right. I'll tell him ... .
A: Thank you very much.
B: I am looking forward to ... .

Dialogue 2.
A: ... .
B: ... . Could I speak to ... .
A: Speaking.
B: I didn't ... you.
A: Hello! Glad to here you. What's the ... . .
B: You know, ... , I won't be able to ... .
A: That was to be on ... , wasn't it?
B: Yes, you are right. You know, we ... .
A: What day suits you?
B: I think ... is all right.
A: That suits me to. See you on ...

Dialogue 3.
A: Good morning. Could I ... .
B: Speaking.
A: My name is ... . I'd like to make an ... with the doctor.
B: What are your ... , Mr. ...
A: I have ...
B: When would you like to ... to the doctor?
A: I think, I'll come on ...
B: All right, I'll tell him you'll come on ...
A: Bye!
B: Bye!

Exercise 7. Побеседуйте со своим другом и перенесите дату и время запланированной встречи. Объясните, почему вы не можете встретиться в назначенное время.

Exercise 8. Напишите письмо-приглашение на торжества по поводу годовщины (anniversary) вашей компании. Обозначьте место, дату, время празднования (celebration). Будьте вежливы!

Exercise 9. Напишите письмо-извинение по поводу переноса назначенной встречи. Объясните, почему вы не можете встретиться, предложите другую дату и время.

Exercise 10. Задание для самостоятельной работы. Выберите из предложенных вариантов правильный, запишите его следующим образом: 1А или 3С.

Тest №10

1. The time stipulated in the contract is convenient ... us.

A. to

B. for

C. -
2. I am looking forward to ... from you.

A. hear

B. heard

C. hearing
3. ... it suit you?

A. is

B. does

C. do
4. I would like to make an appointment ... the doctor.

A. to

B. with

C. for
5. He asked me to get ... with you.

A. touch

B. in touch

C. in the touch.

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